More Movement with Marketing

Uniting the forces of marketing for the greater good

The world’s biggest ESG challenges need our collective action.

From climate crisis, to social and civil inequality, society is stuck on polarizing issues. We need more movement toward…

  • Collective understanding of the facts, not division by misinformation

  • Mindset and behavior change at scale, not passive complacency

  • An entire marketing industry working together, not in silos of good intention

We can do better, united together.

Uniting forces to serve many needs

  • Brands

    Force: Brand dollars

    Needs: Demonstrate commitment to social issues and purpose, authentically

  • Agencies

    Force: Expertise in changing mindsets and behaviors

    Needs: Demonstrate creative prowess, Diversify talent

  • Diverse New Talent

    Force: Diverse thinking, fresh perspective, agency growth

    Needs: An entry point into the industry

  • Impact Groups

    Force: Knowledge, awareness

    Needs: A megaphone

A model for more movement and greater impact

Making moves for More Movement with Marketing

Lend your voice and expertise

  • Is this worth talking about?

    Is it possible to create a structure or model that lots of people could use in their own way?

    What are the barriers to entry for stakeholders?

    How can we overcome those barriers?

    How might this look at a regional level?

    How might it look for large-scale trade organizations?

    What are the opportunities to scale this?

    Are there any watch-outs and potentially unintended consequences?

    What criteria should we consider as guardrails for concept development?

    How do we choose the social issues and groups that represent them?

Want to help make moves? Please answer questions based on your role in the industry.

Learnings, reflections and stories from the process

  • "People need to realize this is a possibility and move towards it."

    Agency Disruptor

  • "It's a strong opportunity for helping the community collective move in the right direction."

    Regional Marketing Trade Group